Sign the Petition - The Patriot PAC
Sign the Petition

Why Rep. John Boehner must be ousted as Speaker
and replaced with a scrupled conservative leader

Time and time again House Speaker John Boehner has BETRAYED YOU and the American people! In spite of us giving his GOP a resounding majority in both the Senate and House for the upcoming 114th Congress, yes, in spite of us giving his GOP a MANDATE to stop Obama's unconstitutional AMNESTY, calculated to transform America into a Marxist state, Speaker Boehner SOLD YOU OUT by secretly TRICKING 216 House Republicans into FULLY FUNDING THIS CATASTROPHY!

Don't let this turncoat GET AWAY WITH THIS BLATANT BETRAYAL! Let Patriot Political Action Committee (PAC) make your voice of protest ECHO LOUDLY in the Halls of Congress! Vote your 'NO CONFIDENCE' BALLOT today!

Tell the not-so-Grand Old Party: REMOVE TRAITOROUS BOEHNER as Speaker of the House! That's the immediate goal of Patriot PAC, a grassroots supported and funded organization dedicated to returning the United States of America to out bedrock principles that made this nation great!

It's one thing when soulless Democrats under NANCY PELOSI and HARRY REID allow our outlaw of a president to get away with TRAMPLING THE CONSTITUTION! That sadly is to be expected from arch liberals who HATE AMERICA and everything our nation has rightly stood for over the past two centuries.

BUT Boehner and GOP "leaders" -- in clear violation of their oath of office to defend and uphold the U.S. Constitution -- are treasonously AIDING AND ABETTING this criminal despot and his Marxist party.

ACT NOW, as the true patriot I know you are! Let Patriot PAC blast-fax your VOTE OF "NO CONFIDENCE" TO ALL HOUSE REPUBLICANS!

Tell them, if they value your continued support, they MUST replace Boehner with a PRINCIPLED CONSERVATIVE who has the guts to stand up to Obama's tyranny and finally DO WHAT'S RIGHT!

Warn House Republicans that "we the people," like the party's elephant symbol, will long remember their sell out and hold them fully accountable for THEIR BETRAYAL ON AMNESTY! Furthermore, challenge them to cease their skullduggery that's keeping CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES OFF THE BALLOT!

Let them know you still BELIEVE IN THE PRINCIPLES that once made the Republican Party grand, that for our embattled nation to survive America absolutely must have tried-and-true conservative answers to our many problems! Our troubled nation NEEDS Tea Party conservatives in GRASSROOTS ACTIVISM and ELECTED OFFICE leadership bringing to the fore the true Republican platform of limited government, individual rights, powers reserved to the states.

Think of it: TODAY can be the start of the RESTORATION OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY! And it will happen because of YOU!

Members of Congress now know they've been tricked by Boehner and liberal GOP "elite." Make good on this opportunity to call their compromised integrity into question and challenge them to listen to "we the people" -- who put them in office -- and REMOVE BOEHNER!

Ask them if they really want their family names to go down in history as shameful traitors beside the "Benedict Arnolds" in the aptly named "Party of Treason."

Remind them of their campaign promises to stop AMNESTY and block Obama's Marxist schemes to destroy America to the point he can pick up the shattered pieces -- in effect overthrowing our treasured Constitutional Republic!

Make no mistake: Members of Congress know that is happening. They didn't need a federal judge to tell them that Obama's Executive Order amnesty is unconstitutional, that this despot is premeditatedly and repeatedly USURPING THE LEGISLATIVE POWER OF CONGRESS, using his presidential pen to illegaly write new laws, or worse: REFUSING TO ENFORCE EXISTING LAWS in violation of his constitutional duty. They've got Obama's footprints all over their backs as time and again this tyrant runs roughshod over Congress and arrogantly tramples the U.S. Constitution, in effect saying: "TRY TO STOP ME."

Yet the house, UNDER BOEHNER, has yet to summon the INTESTINAL FORTITUDE to do what is demanded by the Constitution -- IMPEACH OBAMA for his many crimes, including TREASON!

Remember, the HOUSE HOLDS THE PURSE STRINGS TO NOT FUND AND THUS STOP HIS MARXIST AGENDA. But Speaker Boehner, after talking a good game, CONTINUALLY CAVES and gives this tryant EVERYTHIHNG HE WANTS.

Instead, the Republican-controlled House should have filed Articles of Impeachment against Obama years ago. But Boehner, as if on Obama's payroll, has let these criminal actions slide to the point that America faces certain destruction -- UNLESS YOU ACT TODAY!




"Status Quo" Boehner just CANNOT find the spine to stand with the American people, let alone champion the Republican Party platform! He has repeatedly proven to be TOTALLY inadequate to the Speakership, especially at this precarious moment in history.

Unlike 1994 when Republicans were also poised for a SWEEPING victory over the Democrats, Capitol Hill conservatives are letting themselves be COWED! Without decisive leadership, they are failing to go for the political takedown!

Think of it: There is NO Contract with America 2.0 and NO gutsy aspiring "leadership" that is shoving limp Establishment sellouts like Boehner aside – NOT YET AT LEAST.

We must start TODAY to must raise our voices on Capitol Hill and in home districts demanding that Boehner be FIRED as House Speaker and replaced with a TRUE PATRIOT who is NOT AFRAID TO FIGHT!


You've probably heard that frustrated conservatives are threatening a Speaker overthrow – but we MUST have a solid conservative replacement for Boehner AND his whole leadership roster. You see, the heir-apparent for the speakership is Kevin McCarthy, darling of Silicon Valley and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce – a pro-amnesty advocate determined as Boehner to deliver cheap, foreign labor to Big Business!

You don't want an ESTABLISHMENT RINO to replace the feckless and ineffectual Boehner. YOU WANT -- AND AMERICA MUST HAVE -- A PRINCIPLED CONSERVATIVE!

If ANYTHING is EVER to change in Washington, Patriot PAC needs YOU to help us be unrelenting in our demands for accountability and responsiveness from the Republicans!

Here's your chance through Patriot PAC to stand up for American in her perilous time of need: BLAST-FAX YOUR 'NO CONFIDENCE' TO ALL HOUSE REPUBLICANS! DEMAND BOEHNER BE OUSTED! NOW!

You just might be the patriot who changes the course of U.S. and world history! Make good on this opportunity! There may not be another!


As a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives, who swore an oath to defend and uphold the U.S. Constitution, I demand you oust John Boehner from the office of Speaker! As you know, Rep. Boehner repeatedly has betrayed the American people and Republican Party principles. He even lied to and tricked enough Republicans -- were you one? --- into fully funding Barack Hussein Obama's illegal Executive Order amnesty! (At least I hope you weren't a knowing co-conspirator.)

I charge Boehner and GOP "leaders" -- in clear violation of their oath of office to defend and uphold the U.S. Constitution -- with treasonously AIDING AND ABETTING the despot in the White House and his "Party of Treason!"

Therefore, as a betrayed American citizen, this is my vote of NO CONFIDENCE in Boehner's continued leadership as Speaker. I demand he be removed from that crucial office and replaced with

If you value the continued support of right-minded Americans like me, you MUST replace Boehner with a PRINCIPLED CONSERVATIVE who has the guts to stand up to Obama's tyranny and finally DO WHAT'S RIGHT!

Count on "we the people," like the party's elephant symbol, to long remember your sell out. We will hold you fully accountable for your self-serving and unprincipled BETRAYAL ON AMNESTY! Furthermore, I demand you cease GOP skullduggery that's keeping CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES OFF THE BALLOT! I want you to know that I still BELIEVE IN THE PRINCIPLES that once made this party grand. I expect you to feel and act the same!

Unless your conscience is seared beyond use, you know that, for our embattled nation to survive, America absolutely must employ tried-and-true conservative answers to our many problems! Stop those standing in the way of Tea Party conservatives and grassroots activism! Dust off the true Republican platform of limited government, individual rights, powers reserved to the states.

You know full well that's happening. You don't need a federal judge to tell you that Obama's Executive Order amnesty is unconstitutional, that this despot is premeditatedly and repeatedly USURPING THE LEGISLATIVE POWER OF CONGRESS, using his presidential pen to illegaly write new laws. Or worse: REFUSING TO ENFORCE EXISTING LAWS in violation of his constitutional duty. You've got Obama's footprints all over your back as time and again this tyrant runs roughshod over Congress and arrogantly tramples the U.S. Constitution, in effect saying "TRY AND STOP ME."

UNDER BOEHNER, the House has yet to summon the INTESTINAL FORTITUDE to do what is demanded by the Constitution -- IMPEACH OBAMA for his many crimes, including TREASON!

Remember, you and other Republicans with scruples still can stand up to Obama and stop his amnesty using the PURSE STRINGS in your hands. But first the House absolutely must have a Speaker who won't talk a good game before caving in to Obama and give the tyrant everything he wants. You know in your heart that the House should have filed Articles of Impeachment YEARS AGO!

Boehner MUST GO! And "we the people" neither want nor can emperiled America afford another RINO as Speaker! Boehner must be replaced with a TRUE PATRIOT who is NOT AFRAID TO FIGHT!

We need a fearless, principled leader as Speaker – not a doormat for Obama, Pelosi and Reid!

Do you REALLY want your family name to go down in history as shameful traitor beside the "Benedict Arnolds" in the aptly named "Party of Treason."

Remind them of their Think of your campaign promises to stop AMNESTY and block Obama's Marxist schemes, because you know his plan is to destroy America to the point he can pick up the shattered pieces -- in effect overthrowing our treasured Constitutional Republic!

Unless you summon your integrity, the land of liberty is doomed.

So put aside your self-centered goals and think of what's best for America, of "we the people" who elected you, of your oath of office, of the Constitution's balance of powers that has checked despotic chief executives in the past. Then do everything in your power to oust Rep. Boehner and replace him with a true conservative dedicated to Republican Party principles.

If I've got you wrong, that in truth you are fighting amnesty and Obama's destructive agenda, then grab a microphone and SAY SO! Publicly DENOUNCE this tryant and his criminal agenda, and encourage other Republicans to DO THE SAME!

I will be watching your response to this VOTE of NO CONFIDENCE in Rep. Boehner. Don't let me or America down! Come through as promised and RESCUE THIS NATION!

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